
WillowVox Engine

World Gen > Noise World Gen

Noise World Gen

NoiseWorldGen is a very simple form of terrain generation. It simply uses 2D perlin noise and sets any blocks below the result height to block id 1 and any blocks above that to 0. This class is mostly in the engine so that the developer can quickly test if the project is set up correctly. TerrainGen is significantly more powerful. However, like WorldGen and TerrainGen, it is highly extensible.


To include NoiseWorldGen, use #include <WillowVox/world/NoiseWorldGen.h>


There is one constructor and two other functions for NoiseWorldGen. These can be overridden to customize world generation.


NoiseWorldGen(int seed, NoiseSettings2D& noiseSettings)


int seed: The seed to use for generation.

NoiseSettings2D& noiseSettings: The 2D noise settings used for generation.

GenerateChunkData (From Base WorldGen)

virtual void GenerateChunkData(ChunkData& chunkData)

This function is responsible for setting all the blocks in the chunk data passed to it. By default, it loops through all the blocks and calls GetBlock with the world position of each block. This shouldn’t need to be overridden unless you need highly specialized generation.


ChunkData& chunkData: A reference to the chunk data being generated.


uint16_t GetBlock(int x, int y, int z) override

This function decides what block to pick for the world position passed to it. This is an override from WorldGen, and it gets a noise value based on the noise settings, calculates the height block, and sets any block below the height block to block ID 1. Everything above the height block is set to 0 (air).


int x: The world x position of the block being generated.

int y: The world y position of the block being generated.

int z: The world z position of the block being generated.

Returns: uint16_t: The block ID of the block decided on by this function.

Public Variables


The seed used for world generation.

Derived Classes

Header File Code

class WILLOWVOX_API NoiseWorldGen : public WorldGen
    NoiseWorldGen(int seed, NoiseSettings2D& noiseSettings)
        : WorldGen(seed), m_noiseSettings(noiseSettings) {}

    uint16_t GetBlock(int x, int y, int z) override;

    NoiseSettings2D& m_noiseSettings;