
WillowVox Engine

World Gen > Terrain Gen

World Generation

Generating terrain is an essential feature of any voxel game. WillowVox Engine provides a few world generation classes to help you get started.

WorldGen is the base world generation class which every other world generation class must derive from. This page will cover the base WorldGen class, but I would highly recommend checking out the other world generation classes.


To include WorldGen, use #include <WillowVox/world/WorldGen.h>


There is one constructor and two other functions for the base WorldGen class. These can be overridden to customize world generation.


WorldGen(int seed)


int seed: The seed to use for generation.


virtual void GenerateChunkData(ChunkData& chunkData)

This function is responsible for setting all the blocks in the chunk data passed to it. By default, it loops through all the blocks and calls GetBlock with the world position of each block. This shouldn’t need to be overridden unless you need highly specialized generation.


ChunkData& chunkData: A reference to the chunk data being generated.


virtual uint16_t GetBlock(int x, int y, int z)

This function decides what block to pick for the world position passed to it. By default, it simply returns 0 (air).


int x: The world x position of the block being generated.

int y: The world y position of the block being generated.

int z: The world z position of the block being generated.

Returns: uint16_t: The block ID of the block decided on by this function.

Public Variables


The seed used for world generation.

Derived Classes

Header File Code

class WILLOWVOX_API TerrainGen : public WorldGen
    TerrainGen(int seed, NoiseSettings2D* surfaceNoiseSettings, int surfaceNoiseLayers, CaveNoiseSettings* caveNoiseSettings, 
        int caveNoiseLayers, OreNoiseSettings* oreNoiseSettings, int oreNoiseLayers,
        SurfaceFeature* surfaceFeatures, int surfaceFeatureCount)
        : WorldGen(seed), 
        m_surfaceNoiseSettings(surfaceNoiseSettings), m_surfaceNoiseLayers(surfaceNoiseLayers),
        m_caveNoiseSettings(caveNoiseSettings), m_caveNoiseLayers(caveNoiseLayers),
        m_oreNoiseSettings(oreNoiseSettings), m_oreNoiseLayers(oreNoiseLayers),
        m_surfaceFeatures(surfaceFeatures), m_surfaceFeatureCount(surfaceFeatureCount) {}

    void GenerateChunkData(ChunkData& chunkData) override;
    // === Generation Steps ===
    /* These exist so that developers can change these behaviors
        without having to remake the whole GenerateChunkData function */
    virtual inline void GenerateChunkBlocks(ChunkData& chunkData);
    virtual inline void GenerateSurfaceFeatures(ChunkData& chunkData);
    // ========================

    uint16_t GetBlock(int x, int y, int z) override;
    // === Block Picking Functions ===
    /* These exist so that developers can change these behaviors
        without having to remake the whole GetBlock function */

    // GetSkyBlock called when block is above the surface (good to override for adding water)
    virtual inline uint16_t GetSkyBlock(int x, int y, int z, int surfaceBlock);
    // GetGroundBlock called when block is solid (not cave or ore)
    virtual inline uint16_t GetGroundBlock(int x, int y, int z, int surfaceBlock);
    // GetCaveBlock called when block is below the sky but is a cave
    virtual inline uint16_t GetCaveBlock(int x, int y, int z, int surfaceBlock);
    // GetOreBlock checks to see if the block is an ore
    virtual inline uint16_t GetOreBlock(int x, int y, int z, int surfaceBlock, uint16_t block);

    // Checks if block is cave using cave noise settings
    virtual inline bool IsCave(int x, int y, int z, int surfaceBlock);
    // Checks to see if the block is an ore and returns the type if so. Returns 0 if not.
    virtual inline uint16_t IsOre(int x, int y, int z, int surfaceBlock);
    // Gets the block that the surface is on
    virtual inline int GetSurfaceBlock(int x, int z);
    // ===============================

    // === Surface Feature Placement ===
    /* These exist so that developers can change these behaviors
        without having to remake the whole GenerateSurfaceFeatures function */

    // Override to change the conditions of surface feature placement
    // Base function checks if it is a cave or not
    virtual inline bool IsValidSurfaceFeaturePlacement(int x, int y, int z, int surfaceBlock);
    // =================================

    NoiseSettings2D* m_surfaceNoiseSettings;
    CaveNoiseSettings* m_caveNoiseSettings;
    OreNoiseSettings* m_oreNoiseSettings;
    int m_surfaceNoiseLayers, m_caveNoiseLayers, m_oreNoiseLayers;
    SurfaceFeature* m_surfaceFeatures;
    int m_surfaceFeatureCount;